style | fashion
“I love colour in my jewellery,
clothes, home, ana in my
lifestyle. I let one colour be
the star, making it bold
and then team it up with
accessories. You will rarely
see me w ithout jewellery.”
M e e t D iw ya A Bhasin,
, designer of a
jew ellery label u n d er h er ow n nam e. The concept
behind h er line of jew ellery is of m arrying
the old w ith the new an d doing som ething
unconventional. “My b ran d is built on puttin g
together rare sto n es to m ake jew ellery pieces a
fusion of design an d com fort. I design w earable
pieces an d m ake stu ff th a t is fun and versatile.”
H er signature styles include p u ttin g together
sto n es and pieces to create contem porary
designs and restoring vintage
w ith
contem porary m esh. She draw s h e r inspiration
from n ature, flowers, anim als, an d h er travels.
H e r H om e D iw ya is a great hom ebody and so
ends up w orking from hom e v ery often. She is
also an avid pillow an d cushion collector and
buys one from every place she travels to. They
accent h er room s w ith bright pun ch es of colour
an d pleasan t m em ories of h er vacations.
H er S ty le “I alw ays choose clothes th a t su it m y
fram e and never get sw ayed by w hat’s tren d y o r
popular in stores. M y w eakness is bright colours
as I believe they are m ood elevators. The colour
I choose to w ear directly coincides w ith m y
m ood for th a t day. But I ste er aw ay from prints.
My w ardrobe essentially includes tees in several
colours th a t I can to ss w ith a p air of jean s or
tro u sers and a dram atic piece of jewellery.”
An evening out is about cheerful hues and
comfortable styles with fuss-free jewellery.
Turquoise twist-neckline dress, ^4,999,
Tommy Hilfiger; fuchsia peep-toe heels,
^3,990, Tresmode; textured leather clutch,
price on request, Pashma; butterfly cuff
with emeralds, sapphires, and diamonds set
in silver mesh, 5*75,000, D iw ya A Bhasin;
emerald and diamond earrings, price on
request, D iw ya A Bhasin.
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